Worship with us online

Every Sunday, our worship services are broadcast at 10:30 AM EST. You can access our stream on this page whenever our stream is live. We look forward to worshipping with you!

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Checking into Worship

If you're worshiping online let us know you're here!

A new feature called Attendance now, which makes it easy for all of us to feel connected during Sunday worship, no matter where we are in the world. As hundreds of friends, members, and visitors are attending worship in-person and online, AttendanceNow Check-In will help us stay connected as a community.

How to use this feature:

Check in by SMS text message.

Open the text message app on your phone or tablet (iPhone or Android) and enter the number 3013075455 with Sunday as the only text in the message box. Hit send and if your cell phone number is in the directory you will be checked in and receive a confirmation message.

Check in using a web browser.

Browse to this link -

Thanks for helping us create a more connected community!

O Lord, you are my God;
               I will exalt you; I will praise your name,

Isaiah 25:1a


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