Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.

Martin Luther

Our music ministry seeks to glorify God through celebration in worship, education through choir training and special events, and proclamation by outreach to the community. Music is used within the church service to heighten the worship experience and contribute to spiritual awareness.

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Music Ministry

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir supports congregational singing of liturgical music and hymns at weekly worship services throughout including Christmas Eve and Holy Week. The choir sings a variety of choral works and is open to adults and teens who have an interest in singing. Rehearsals are held Thursday at 8:00 pm. 


Shepherd’s Bells

The Handbell Choir meets on Thursday evenings from 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm. All are invited to join the choir. No previous experience is needed.

Children's Choir and Children's Bells

The Sunday Schoolers meet Thursday evenings too and share their musical praise.


We are blessed to have talented instrumentalists enhance our worship on special occasions. Let us know if you have an instrumental talent you want to share!

MARIA SAMPOGNA, Music Director

Maria began her musical career at eleven when she had her first organ lesson. She acquired her first position at All Saints Episcopal Church in Syracuse, New York, when she was thirteen. As an adult, Maria studied organ under the direction of Will O. Headlee at Syracuse University. She also participated in the French Organ Music Seminar, where she had the opportunity to learn from the greatest organists of our time, including Olivier Latry, Daniel Roth, Naji Hakim, and others. She has played many of the historically important organs in Paris, including the magnificent organs of St. Sulpice and Notre Dame.

Ms. Sampogna is a resident of Olney and works at Washington Christian Academy! She enjoys leading the congregation in song, prayer, and praise.

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